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Blockchain for banking

The decentralization of financial services, particularly through mobile banking, has led to a rapid increase in previously unbanked individuals and has contributed to the diminishing relevance of brick and mortar banks.

As digitalization becomes increasingly important for competition and compliance, it leads to a change in the roles of banks. The introduction of disruptive competitors has further driven the evolution of the banking industry, causing traditional banks to struggle in adapting to these changes.

Our product aims to provide a solution to these challenges and to help traditional banks remain competitive in this rapidly changing landscape.

Banking Super App


Our product is a mobile banking super app that allows for the integration of various micro services, such as purchasing airline tickets and shopping, within a single platform. In addition to serving as a mobile banking application, our super app also functions as a digital wallet where users can store valuable financial information. A significant aspect of our project involves the incorporation of blockchain technology, enabling a new means of data exchange.


Standard tools should be specifically designed to address the tasks for which they were created, but should also be versatile and universal in nature, as there may be a variety of business tasks but only one tool.

The banking application project's ideology and purpose can be exemplified through the use of a universal test tool. This tool, through working demo interfaces, allows customers to envision and understand their business goals and how they can apply the tool to their specific business needs.

By understanding the principle of interaction between standard tools and applying it to their business tasks, customers can determine which additional components they may need from supplementary tools.

To view a demonstration of our banking application and review its technical specifications, please click on link:

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